Sunday, June 15, 2008

Little Squirt

Fathers Day number two for me today. Last year on Fathers Day TLW surprised me by saying “dada” for the first time. While there was nothing groundbreaking today it was a great day to hang with my wonderful little girl. We met The Wifey’s family for breakfast this morning. I was holding Haley’s hand as we walked into the restaurant while she waved and flashed a smile to everyone she saw. She’s almost 18months old and already knows how to command a room of adults. I’m a very lucky dad to have such an awesome little girl like her.

Tiger Woods is a warlock. Ridiculous. I would almost think about calling in sick tomorrow just to watch golf.

With the impending life-altering events scheduled for early September I have yet to seriously consider whether or not racing ‘cross is in the cards. Do I want to? Heck yes. Can I or should I, or will I even want to after the fact? Not so certain. Whatever the case, I gotten in some very nice “non”training rides the past few weeks. Building the foundation. Today was a beautiful day.

Speaking of riding, Mays commuting went down at 91%. June is a 10 fer 10 so far. YTD is 79%.

TLW helps her Dada open his card

Love the caption

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