Sunday, June 17, 2007


The Wifey headed down to Cape May this weekend so I had the Haley responsibilities all to myself last night and this morning. TLW and I had a great time. Last night she ate a ton of food and then drank two bottles of milk and passed out for good around 9pm. This morning she woke up around 6:30am, which was a tad earlyish for her dad but what else could I do? If TLW wants to eat and play, then that’s what we’ll do. To my amazement and delight, she somehow learned to say “da-da” overnight. Or more specifically “da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da”. I know I haven’t heard that previously nor anyone else. Truthfully, there is no Fathers Day gift that could ever beat that one. I love my little girl and today she thanked me for it in her own little way.

I rode today. It sucked. Not sure why. I PR’d the Granite Quarry climb and then the lights went out so to speak. I felt like an oven burnt turd. Whatever.

I shish-kebabed some chicken, steak, and a ton of veggies on the grill tonight. Excellent. Good eats.

That’s all.

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