Tuesday, December 25, 2007


The strawberry wins. Funny, that happens to be one of my least favorite fruits. I don't have a problem eating them as part of a cake or a muffin or something like that, but all by it's lonesome, the strawberry is low on my list. Time for the veggies. This time vote for multiple choices. One footnote in the fruit voting, I forgot The Tomato. Despite it's confusion as a veggie, I don't feel good about adding it to the list. Sorry.

I haven't touched a bike since last Thursday. I feel fatness and lethargy setting in. So far, I don't seem to mind a bit. Although the weather could cooperate a tad and stop being so nice out.

One more week of winter vacation to go. I've been trying to catch up on making DVD's of little Haley's first year. We've taken over 3000 pictures in the past year of which I'm guessing 90% were of TLW. I also have over 5hrs of video to navigate. Fun to look back. It's only been a year but the first one is the busiest for little babies. I would say her walking to crawling ratio is up to approx 40/60 split. She can walk fine but sees crawling as a faster more stable mode of travel still. We'll get there. Then the fun really starts.

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