Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Domestic chores/scams

As it is my day off and I have a small list of chores from The Wifey to get done, I am reminded again of the complete and utter stupidness of a dishwasher. What follows is an excerpt from an email sent to me this morning by the lovely and beautiful Wifey. “Also could you load the dishes, scrub off the grime first andclean the beasts box, thanks I love you have a good day! love, wifey” OK, two things here. First, before I get to the dishwasher, let me explain “the beast” The Beast is only one of our terms of affection for little Elwood. He also responds to Elmer, El, Ebert, Rodent……and The Beast. Or if he’s hungry, which seems to be all the time, he’ll respond to really anything you want to call him. He’s a good little animal. I advocate owning a cat. Lotsa fun.

Now, on to the dishwasher foolishness. I again refer to the The Wifey’s email. Load the dishes, scrub off the grime first. ????? Am I the only one who doesn’t get it? As I’m loading the dishes I’m instructed to clean them first BEFORE inserting. What’s the point? I found myself cleaning them but stopping just short of totally clean just so I could still load a dirty dish. If you can’t load a dirty dish into the dishwasher without some “pre”cleaning, why bother? Just spend the extra two seconds and just totally clean the dish and be done. I’ll never get it. Scholars have tried to explain it to me but I’m too Dunce to comprehend. Sorta like straightening your bed after you sleep in it. If you’re just going to sleep in it again the following evening, again, what’s the point? Funny thing about that is BedSheet scientists have discovered that those little bed critters that feast on your dead skin while you sleep become MORE prevalent when you DO straighten the bed. And yet, the beat goes on.

Makes you want to launder the bed sheets, huh?


Anonymous said...

I completely agree on the dishwasher thing AND the bed. Why neaten the bed before you hop in? Makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

I have finally read some of the blog. Happy now? No need to sign-you know who I am.

Anonymous said...

the happy pills must be working!!