Monday, July 31, 2006


Today I got out for a pretty hot and nasty ride before I made my way over to meet Erin at her office. We then walked down to the Harrisburg Hospital for the last scheduled sonogram for little junior*. This was my first experience for such a thing as I was unable to attend the first one months ago. What an amazing experience. It’s one thing to be told in a waking fog by my wonderful wife as she waves a pregnancy test pee stick in my face that I’m going to be a father. It’s another thing to watch my wonderful wife grow a big beer belly over the past few months. BUT, when the sonogram tech put those images on the screen where you can see a living little person jumping and kicking and carrying on it really gets to be quite a pretty awesome deal. Can you tell I’m grinning just by reading this?

We made it known ahead of time we did NOT want to know the gender of little junior* and our wishes were granted. You can see an astonishing amount of things. You can see a beating heart clear as day. Little junior’s* heart rate was 150bpm at the time, which we were told was very normal and healthy. Funny how most fat-asses would be bent over in agony at that heart rate. Anyway, you could also see the spinal cord and feet and arms and legs. All sorts of measurements were taken and by those numbers we were told little junior* weighs approx 9 ounces right now. Half a pound! Although it’s too early to tell if junior* is going to be a left-handed pitching phenom for your Fightin’ Phillies 20 years from now or the next great big wave surfer, it’s still a joy to experience this process. Talk to me in a year when I’m getting zero sleep every night. We’ll see.

*Purely speculation on my part. While I'll be ecstatic either way, if you asked me what I'm hoping for, I guess it's pretty obvious.


Anonymous said...

In regards to 'fallen'......I thought you loved the heat? "moving to california, cold sucks" all that crap? What happened? All I heard all winter was "I need warm, this cold sucks, blah blah blah"........I hate heat too! Winter is FAR better. Fall is best though.

dk said...

Yep, cold sucks. Heat sucks. Warm is good. I'm pretty sure I've never been on record as saying I love heat. Unless were talking about wings, that is. San Diego's avg temps range from a low of 50 in Dec/Jan to a high of 78 in August. Not too shabby. The only problem there is they really don't experience Autumn like we do. 'Nuf said.