Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Spring is finally here to stay it seems. No sight of anything cold in the forecast. So, in honor of the season when all things blossom and develop, I hereby state my intention to grow some hockey hair. Yep, a Tennessee top-hat. A soccer rocker. A Kentucky mudflap. A shorty-longback if you will. Aaahhh, The Mullet. I have a long way to go and a short time to get there. I’m notoriously finicky about my hair. Not in a homo-it-needs-to-be-perfect sorta way but more like a it’s-really-bad-no-matter-what-the-hell-I-do-with-it kinda way. We’ll see.

I've got some work to do

The Little Woman is doing very well. Now she wants to hold the bottle herself when me or her grandparents try to feed her. It’s pretty funny because she tries to hold it but is so geeked that she’s eating that she gets all flingy and hyper and it just doesn’t work out yet.

Stop bugging me! I'm trying to eat.

I rolled out on the fixie for two hours Sunday and got in a solid two hours today on my road sled.

Todays ride

Monday I started my other Spring project. I’m ripping the front sidewalk out and putting something new in. I haven’t decided just yet but the hard work is done. I think we’ll put a small little wooden deck over the front porch so it doesn’t look like ass anymore.



That’s all.

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