Friday, December 23, 2005

Crash schmash

Wow! Another 2hr ride today. Tomorrow is meant to be high 40’s. Saturday too. And I’m off both days. If I don’t be careful I’m going to get fit again. At least it gives me a reason to eat my ass off without much consequence. Hebe and I got out. Flat stuff this time. Good times. No crashes. BTW, are we sick of bickering about this alleged crash? A quick innocent innocuous little spill and all the sudden Mrs Legend says “pay me”. Phooey. Stick to drive-by hobo harassing.

The family-in-law stopped over tonight to catch some Flyers HD hockey. Flyers v Ottawa. Great game. Emily was at the game in Philly and called us right as a goal was scored. It was pretty cool to hear over the phone the mega-airhorn blast when Philly lit the lamp. I asked for an airhorn for my basement as a gift but no one has stepped up to the plate yet.

I just played PS2 for a couple hours. College Football(Bama). Now it’s 2AM and I have a serious case of playstation thumb. And I’m kinda wired. I probably should go to bed but if I’m not sleepy I might annoy The Wifey by fidgeting for an hour. That’s why you’re getting a half-assed blog entry in the middle of the night.

I feel like eating some wings. I also had an urge to power down some funnel cake earlier tonight. I better put in 3hrs on the road sled tomorrow with my appetite what it is right now. Have any of you ever noticed that there is no food that can’t be improved by adding bacon. Go ahead, try to come up with anything. “Bacon tastes good. Pork chops tastes good“. Name that movie quote. Ponder that, until next time. GOODNIGHTNOW!

1 comment:

Jackie Brown said...

I'm not tired of bickering about the crash because I AM RIGHT! I'm ALWAYS right, don't you know that by now? I was not harassing a hobo either, I was trying to spread some holiday cheer to the jobless LOSER trying to cross the street to cash a check! What an arse!