Thursday, June 15, 2006


Looks like a nice today. And lucky for me I’m off work. I put in that little patio last Sunday and spent the next 3 days hobbling like a cripple due to all the physical labor involved. I think I’m finally on the mend. Yesterday my back was so stiff I could barely bend over.

Geno’s revisited. I didn’t clarify my stand very well in my last post concerning the Geno’s ordeal. Obviously what’s going on is pretty controversial. Lots of undies have been bunched up in knots. And for what? I’m certainly not going to defend this guy for being a jerk. However, he OWNS the business. If he wants to be a douchebag to some of his customers, let him. Those customers then have a choice. Deal with it or leave and never go back and tell all his/her friends to never go there either, instead going to Geno’s competition and feeding that lucky businessman’s family. Better yet, go find a nice Spanish restaurant, order some Tapas or maybe some Paella, and feel cultured and enlightened.

I digress. We all have choices to make in life. As I said, Geno’s business is at stake when he acts like an a-hole. If enough people are turned off by these antics his business will be affected and he’ll either adjust his policy or suffer the consequences. Sink or swim. Why is this any of our concern? If Geno’s so offends you, and this is where my problems lies, don’t go there but don’t let it ruin your day either. All those non-english speaking customers are adults. They can make decisions on their own. We don’t need to make it for them. If you feel so horrible for those folks maybe you should go down there and give them a hug and make it all better for them.

If I were the King of Cheesesteaks the smart thing to do would be to hire a spanish speaking employee or two and watch the cash roll in. Sink or swim. My guess is that place is making money hand over fist right now thanks to all the free publicity you “offended” people have given it.

The times I’ve been to Vallarta or TJ or Ensenada or my favorite, Puerto Nuevo I’ve always made an attempt to speak the native tongue when ordering food(best fucking Lobster in the world!) out of respect. If I couldn’t get my point across I’d just point to a dog walking down the street and I’d get a fresh tortilla with some meat in it. Yum. My point being I at least made an attempt to speak Spanish. Usually the person I was speaking to spoke English and all was well. This is something I haven’t heard brought up in this whole Geno’s affair. Why can’t these fine non-english speaking folks from wherever show just a little respect and make an attempt at English? Maybe they are, I don’t know. Why is that offensive?

Enough already. Lobsters are now dancing in my head. Día bueno mis amigos.


Anonymous said...

What if all restaurants are holding the same policy or it becomes law. Most of the time people tend to duck and hide, but from time to time they need to stand up and fight for their rights.

dk said...

I'm willing to bet Pat's (Geno's competitor) is embracing any and every "castoff" with open arms. To turn away paying customers is stupid. To pass a law or force Geno's to change his policy is also silly. Let it all work itself out on it's own.

Like I said, If Geno's realizes his business is suffering as a result of his policy, then he has a decision to make.